Let the power of our coast rainforest restore you. Every moment here is an opportunity to reconnect – with yourself and with nature.
Nestled amongst the trees with a viewpoint overlooking the Sechelt Inlet, Stay Wilder is the perfect setting for an intimate retreat experience. Join one of our curated retreat experiences or host one of your own. We’ll take care of the details so that you can relax and give yourself the gift of self care and renewal.
Choose a private or shared dome space for your personal cocoon as you engage in mindful practices that restore your soul.
Each retreat has been mindfully curated to give you a balance of focused retreat time, guided by skilled practitioners, and unstructured time to rest, reflect, or simply be in nature.
Our Spring Yoga Retreat includes three nights accommodation with two full days of retreat time. Meals, accommodation, twice daily yoga practices, guided meditation, and journalling practices included.
Onsite massage available upon request.
Looking for a full week experience? Join both retreats and we’ll gift you the day in between complete with meals so you can extend your restorative time.
Our Full Moon Grief Retreat includes three nights accommodation with two full days of retreat time. Meals, accommodation, guided grief explorations, meditation, bodywork, and journalling practices included.
Onsite massage available upon request.
Looking for a full week experience? Join both retreats and we’ll gift you the day in between complete with meals so you can extend your restorative time.
Being on retreat is about going inward, and being quiet enough that you can hear the voice of your heart. Let your concerns fade and bring yourself present to the restorative container of our coast rainforest.
From cozy domes and retreat spaces to nourishing meals, and quiet opportunities to breathe in the healing power of nature, we’re here to take care of the details for you.
Stay Wilder wellness retreats
The domes offer the perfect setting for retreat time. Are you a practioner looking for uniquely extraordinary retreat space? Our sustainable, off-grid domes offer a deeply restorative environment where you can lead your group through holistic well-being practices to recharge their mind, body, and spirit.
After the scenic 40 min ferry from Vancouver, allow yourself time for the trip to Stay Wilder – it’s only 34km, but the going is slow. Relax and enjoy the beautiful drive up the Sunshine Coast Highway 101.
If you are passionate about hospitality, thrive in a remote environment, and love creating memorable guest experiences, become a Stay Wilder host!
We are planet-passionate people with decades of resort experience. Providing planet-first eco-glamping for those who want to stay wild and keep the world wilder.